Rs. 20
Get 2 Half Soups / 2 Mock Tails + 1 Salad/ Raita +1 Starter + 1 Main Course +1 Dal + 1 Dessert + 5 Breads + Basic Flower Petal Decoration + 1 Pound Cake Worth Rs 2899 @ Rs.1270 (Tax Included)
<p><strong>How to subscribe DB Smart Passport?<br>
<li> Open Smart Circle Group App and click on DB Smart Passport.</li>
<li> Subscribe DB Smart Passport (Submit the form by filling details and activation code)</li>
<p><strong>Congratulations now you are part of DB Smart Passport Family and now you can buy our lucrative offers.</strong><br>
<strong>How to buy offers?<br>
<li> After selecting a brand, you will see offers related to that brand and the discount available on it.</li>
<li> After selecting the offer click on “ADD +” (You can increase or decrease the quantity as per your requirement)</li>
<li> Click on “Continue” tab and enter your name, email and mobile number and click on “Pay Now”</li>
<li> Pay the coupon online as per the offer.</li>
<li> You will get the coupon after making the payment. You can get your Coupon Code (in green) by clicking on “Order Number” on “Home Page” by clicking on “My Booking”<br>
Home Page>Click on My Booking> Click on Order Number> Coupon Code (in green)</li>
<li> Avail the Deals/Offers by showing the “Green” Coupon Code at the respective outlet.</li>
<li> You can avail this offer anytime within 30 days.<br>
<p><strong>Buy One Get One (B1G1) Offer</strong></p>
<li> You will see B1G1 offers in some outlets / brands</li>
<li> Minimum fee of Rs.20 to be paid online for these B1G1 offers</li>
<li> Visit the respective outlets and buy the goods of your choice, and pay for it at the same outlet, in which “On buying one item, you will get another item of the same or lesser price free of cost”<br>
<li>DB Smart Passport offers are valid at mentioned outlets.</li>
<li>Prior appointment/reservation/booking is mandatory to avail the offers.</li>
<li>Not to be combined with any other offers, promotions, advertised special and corporate discount not applicable.</li>
<li>All offers are valid for dine in only. Take away as per outlets terms (packing will be chargeable)</li>
<li>DB Smart Passport is nontransferable, non-cashable for any others services.</li>
<li>Please present the relevant coupon code to the client representative at the time of placing order/booking. Without coupon code, offers will not be valid.</li>
<li>Price/rates and menu are subject to change without prior notice.</li>
<li>Government taxes as applicable (not for bonus offer) and terms &conditions apply.</li>
<li>Purchase is required for every coupon, not for bonus offers. (In some client offers, for bonus offer purchase is required /must be combined with other offer as per mentioned in the offers.)</li>
<li>In case of any misunderstanding or dispute with customer, the decision of the outlet manager will be final.</li>
<li>No verbal agreements accepted, offers applicable on printed rates only,</li>
<li>Offers are not valid on 14th feb, bhaidooj, 24th dec, 25th dec & 31st dec, on events & blackout days.</li>
<li>Smart circle group reserves the right to add, modify, withdraw or delete any of the client, vendor, offers, coupons, rules, terms and conditions. Duration of the program (validity) without prior notice to Smart Circle Group DB Smart Passport members. All decisions in this regard are final and binding on Smart Circle Group DB Smart Passport members.</li>
<li>Terms and conditions apply</li>
<li>In case of dispute with customer, the maximum liability of Smart Circle Group would will limited to rate of DB Smart Passport only.</li>
<li>Coupon/DB Smart Passport valid through smart circle group app or website only</li>
<li>Coupon code is compulsory, without matching the coupon code offers will not be valid</li>
<li>Rates are mentioned per coupon</li>
<li>Please check offers online on our app before purchasing the offers</li>